Nancy Ingamells Robinson
Nancy has been painting since she was young, taking time out to become an RN and to raise a family while working in the Heath Care Field.
But when time permitted, she took classes from Jade Fon and Mike Barnes at DVC, her first teachers in this area. And workshops/classes with Arne Westerman, Skip Lawrence, Sherry-Kwint-Cattache, Tesia Blackburn, Alex Powers, Katherine Liu, Dale Laitinen, Lin Fischer to name a few. She considers herself a “workshop junkie.” Nancy has always favored the human form in all of its eccentricities and finds she works best when she connects with the model. She feels there is nothing more beautiful than the human form. Currently she is striving to connect the figure with the abstract. Her mantra: She is always trying something new! She found that her “art trip” supports her mental health. Nancy works pretty intuitively having collected a lot of skills through the years of just painting. She lets the brush direct her, leaving the rational mind out of it. She likes to just move paint around until it pleases her. Painting is fun for her and she hopes you enjoy her work as much as she did creating it. |